Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jet Lag? What jet lag???

Our 6 week voyage began with a flight to London, where we stayed for few days before heading to SA.  There are a couple of reasons for this: 1) the flight to South Africa from the States is a RIDICULOUSLY long flight and neither one of us looked forward to having both flights to and from SA be this crazy long, 2)I’ve never been to London and we thought it would be cool to check out the city for a couple of days, and 3) our very awesome friends Steph and Todd live in Zurich, and we all agreed it would rock our worlds if we were able to meet up in Europe for a few days since we were technically flying OVER Europe to get to SA anyway…so of course!!

So, we began our journey in London.  After a not-so-awesome Virgin Atlantic Airlines experience-the staff were more bitter than an AA employee (and THAT’S saying something!), the food made me (and a few others, it would seem, as dictated by the line to the toilet) ill in mid-air, and the plane itself was pretty old and not so comfortable in the seat or in viewing tv for poor Matt who couldn’t sleep.  Not to mention the crew were very bossy about their specific time of night/day when the window shade was REQUIRED to be closed/open (um, excuse me, I don’t want to open the window.  I’m not ready to greet the day!)

Anyway, the flight didn’t last too long…and soon we found ourselves in customs in Heathrow (Wow, how amazingly charmingly nice the British customs agents are!  The rest of the world could learn a few things from them!!), and after we learned that my bag did not seem to make it to the cart that was to go to “baggage claim”, that it instead made it to the cart that was to go to “transport”, and would get to my hotel later in the afternoon, we made our way toward the tube to head into the city.

Now, most of you may be aware of how, um, sleepy I tend to get after about 2 hours of being awake.  And some of you may be aware of how my jet lag in Europe tends to make me walk around in a confused, feel-like-I’ve-been-forced-awake-after-taking-a-sleeping-pill kind of feeling.  So I came into London prepared, mentally.  I was going to feel weird, I knew I would, and by golly, I was GOING to MAKE it until late afternoon if it killed me!

My first ride in the London Tube!!
As it turns out, I felt surprisingly okay standing in line in customs.  Perhaps eating icky food that makes you spend more time in a toilet than a cozy plane seat gives you a sense of revival, or perhaps it was because I was in a new place, or perhaps, maybe, just maybe, part of the reason I felt so exhausted the last time I flew to Europe I had just gotten married and well, that’ll leave you feeling exhausted for a year!  But the urge to fight the sleep only came about when we had time to sit-during the hour transfer to the city via the tube.  Once we got to the hotel, we dropped our bags off and immediately headed out to walk and get some air.  And proceeded to walk the entire circumference of both Kensington and Hyde Parks. 

So now, we’re dealing with sore legs, sore hips, sore feet and sleepy eyes.  BUT, we did manage to stay awake.  And take in the absolutely gorgeous day London provided.  And our best part of the day?  Meeting up with our great friend Stu from the BVI, who happened to be in London renewing his passport.  He took us around Whitehall, a busy metropolitan part of London, where you can find 10 Downing Street (where the Prime Minister lives), access to Scotland Yard (where the police station is), Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey (where people make laws and royal celebrities get married, so I’m told), and the Clarence Pub (where Stu got kicked out when he was 21).  So lots of history!  After taking in the sights on Whitehall, we ventured over to Picadilly Circus, and what a fitting name for this area: crazy crazy CRAZY area filled with tourists and touristy sights like Ripley’s Believe It or Not and Hard Rock Restaurant and so on.  However, we did find a pub and have one more tasty pint before sending Stu on his way to the airport to head back to the BVI, while Matt and I made our way back to the hotel to discover that (hallelujah!)my bag was waiting for me with a  big smile on its face (okay, now I’d say the jet lag is kicking in!!).
Hanging with Stu in a pub in Picadilly Circus!

After a shower to wash off the not-so-fantastic flight, we crawled into our wood-hard twin-sized beds and promptly fell asleep for 15 hours.

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